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The Olympics, Paralympics and the power of surrender

"Do your best and surrender the rest" Unknown

The 2024 Paris Olympic Games started in July, and the Paralympics will follow in August.

Athletes have been training hard for years to make it to the Games. It has taken extensive daily training, total dedication, discipline and sacrifice. They have spent time training their bodies and their minds to win. To be the best in the world. And if you can't be number one there are only two other places on the podium. This isn't like a school sports day or a fun run where everyone gets a medal.

The pressure on these athletes must be insurmountable.

It is true that you are more likely to succeed when you strive and use your full potential. It does not matter whether you want to become an elite Athlete, an Astronaut, a published Author or whatever a successful career means to you.

However, 100% success in anything in life is not guaranteed. There are factors beyond our control. Returning to our athletes, at every Games there is always someone who, despite having trained hard, and done all they can, stumbles and falls. It could be a runner, a hurdler, a gymnast or another athlete. It must be heart-breaking and take a toll on your mental wellbeing.

The lesson we take from this is learning is to live in the present, do our best, and work to our full potential as we have control over this. Importantly though, we must learn to detach from the result recognising that there are factors beyond our control and overly fixating on this causes anxiety and stress. Surrender the result to our higher power. Accept that what is meant for us will be and take comfort in knowing that you did your best.

This links nicely with wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 verse 26:

"The worker who is free from all material attachments and false ego, who is enthusiastic and resolute and who is indifferent to success or failure, is a worker in the mode of goodness."

On a practical level, consider making “I will do my best”, “you can count on me to do my best” and “I’ll give it my all” as your workplace affirmation. Accept though, that your best can look different every day. For example, on a day where you only have 70% to give and you give it your all, you have put in a 100% effort and that is ok. You did your best.

In parting, take the weight off your shoulders, simply do your best and surrender the rest.

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