Whether's it's Christmas, Diwali, Hanukkah, Eid, Chinese New Year, birthdays, anniversaries or just Fridays; life is full of celebrations; and celebrations are full of food! It’s really easy to overeat and overindulge during the festive season. All our favourite holiday dishes have been made, we tend to share the meal with loved ones - and in all the fun and joy, it’s common for us to eat a little bit more than we’re normally used to.
Here are some tips to help you navigate through any type of festive meal:
If you have any say in when the celebrations are going to be, try and arrange the big meal to be at lunch. You'll use the natural advantage of having a strong digestive fire at noon to help you better digest your festive meal.
Fast or eat lightly before and after. The meal before and after should be light, simple and easy to digest. Sip on warm water or cumin-coriander-fennel tea throughout the day. Have a simple digestive aid about 20-30mins before the meal. Make a quick pickled ginger as an appetite boost by mixing sliced ginger with lime juice and salt.
Eat with your stomach and not your eyes. We’re often spoilt for choice with food at celebrations. Pick a few of your favourites and just enjoy them - you’ll feel more content than trying to remember the tastes of 15 different items.
Your plate should look like this: more cooked veggies + choose a well-spiced option + favour well-cooked lentils and grains over meat dishes.
Eat with love and gratitude, not guilt and shame. Food is a big part of giving and receiving love in many cultures, and hence they’re a central feature of celebrations. When you’re with your loved ones, enjoy the time with them, and enjoy your meal - you’ll digest food eaten with love so much better than food eaten with guilt.